AWBS is the total solution for any domain name and website hosting provider. AWBS comes with complete user web interface where your customers can place new orders, manage their account, pay invoices, obtain support and fully manage their domain names. The powerful admin interface is designed for administrative efficiency and ease of use.
Whether starting new or looking to expand your existing web hosting and/or domain registration business, AWBS' fully automated solutions and unique features will allow you to achieve your goal with minimum effort and cost.
With it's many built in features AWBS is truly an instant hosting company with all the essential tools you will ever need to sign-up, maintain and support your clients using a single interface.
The AWBS template based end user interface is completely customizable enabling you to establish and promote your own unique brand and individuality.
No branding! You won't have to worry about your customers seeing our company or product name on your website.
AWBS System Requirements:
PHP v4.3.8-5.x (safe_mode off/register_globals off)
MySQL Database Server v4.x/v5.x
Apache or IIS5/6 Web Server
Curl + SSL (PHP compiled Curl required)
Ability to setup CRON jobs or scheduled tasks
Ability to setup password protected directories. (.htaccess)
Secure site (optional)(no cross domain secure URLs)
Compiled GD with freetype
Other settings (php.ini settings)
safe_mode Off
allow_url_fopen On
max_execution_time 120 or higher
session.auto_start Off
magic_quotes_gpc On
memory_limit 128M or higher
register_long_arrays On
magic_quotes_runtime Off
output_handler no value
short_open_tag On
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